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the mausoleum at halicarnassus中文是什么意思

用"the mausoleum at halicarnassus"造句"the mausoleum at halicarnassus"怎么读"the mausoleum at halicarnassus" in a sentence


  • 毛索洛斯墓庙
  • 摩索拉斯陵墓
  • 摩索拉斯亡灵


  • The other original seven wonders of the ancient world were the hanging gardens of babylon ; the statue of zeus at olympia ; the temple of artemis at ephesus ; the mausoleum at halicarnassus ; the colossus of rhodes and the lighthouse of alexandria
  • Only one of the original seven wonders , the pyramids of egypt , can still be seen . the others , including the hanging gardens of babylon , the statue of zeus at olympia , the temple of artemis at ephesus , the mausoleum at halicarnassus , the colossus of rhodes and the lighthouse of alexandria were all stories
用"the mausoleum at halicarnassus"造句  
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